The program for the concert of the Glee and Banjo clubs and the Pierian Sodality, in Sanders theatre next Wednesday evening will be as follows:
1. Waltz, Santiago. Corbin Pierian Sodality.
2. College Songs
(a) Song of the Triton. Molthy
(b) Salamagundi. R. W. Atkinson '91. Words by B. A. Gould, '91.
(c. Dearest Awakel. Storch Glee Club.
3. Polka, For Love of Thee. Stearns Arranged by E. L. Osgood, '91. Banjo Club.
4. Selection from Concerto No. 7 for Violin. P. Rode L. A. Corne, '92.
5. (a) Waltz, Suite for Strings, Opera 63. R. Volkmann Pierian Sodality.
(b) Air Compose par le Roi Louis XIII. Arr. by Herris Ghys Pierian Sodality.
3. Glees
(a) Kate Kearney.
Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes.
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