In English B., Theme V, a narrative, will be due next Tuesday.
Dr. Thomas Hill, former president of Harvard, is visiting in Cambridge.
In French I, the choice for the French reading for the year must be made today.
Columbia will hold a class championship tug-of-war contest just before Christmas.
There will be an hour examination in Philosophy 3 at the last exercise before the holiday recess.
The corrected blue books in French 1, section A, and French 9, section B, are to be found in Sever 19.
The Glee and Banjo clubs will not give a concert at Wellesley this evening, as formerly announced.
The first hour examination in History 1 will take place Thursday of next week, instead of Tuesday.
A. B. Graves, '92 S., has been appointed secretary and treasurer of the Yale freshman navy.
John Christopher Schwab, Yale '86, has taken the degree of Ph. D. summacum laude, from one of the leading German universities. This degree has been very seldom given, and perhaps never before to a foreigner.
A university hospital costing $50,000 will shortly be erected at Ann Arbour for the University of Michigan.
The last issue of the Nation has an article several columns long on the new gate, praising it very highly.
Edwin Yawger, '91, who played quarterback on the Cornell eleven this season, has been elected captain for next year.
Professor William R. Harper of Yale has declined the presidency of South Dakota university, made vacant by the death of President Alsen.
At the new college for women at Baltimore each candidate for a degree will be obliged to exercise three hours a week in this gymnasium.
Yale is to have a new baseball diamond for practice, and eight additional tennis courts on the new campus east of North Sheffield.
Endicott, '90, and Batchelder, '92, will take part in the hare and hounds run to be held by the Boston Athletic association this afternoon.
The alumni of Oberlin college have raised a fund of $50,000 to found a Fairchild Professorship in honor of ex-President James N. Fairchild,
The New York and Manhattan Athletic clubs will play a match game of football at the polo grounds today. This will be the last game either eleven will play this season.
There is a strong feeling at Yale in favor in the appointment of a college pastor. The college has been without a pastor since Dr. Barbour's resignation three years ago.
The next College Conference meeting will be held Tuesday evening. Professor C. C. Everett of the Divinity school will speak on "The Belief in Immortality."
The bones of a trisauraofs have been found recently by Professor Nash of Yale. The reptile was one hundred feet long, had three horns on its forehead, and a necklace of bones about its neck.
Two picked elevens from the freshman class played a match game on Jarvis field yesterday afternoon. The team captained by Wayne MacVeagh, jr., defeated the team captained by G. K. Bell by a score of 40 to-6.
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