
The Vesper Service.

The regular weekly vesper service was held in Appleton Chapel yesterday afternoon. Rev. F. G. Peabody led in the devotional part of the service, after which the choir sang Brown's anthem, "Thy sun shall no more go down." Rev. William Lawrence read the portion of the sixth chapter of John describing the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand, and made it the text of his remarks. He said that in this passage we have in miniature the relation of Christ, the church and the world. In the replies of the two disciples to Christ's question we see the attitude of the church to the Master's call to work. Philip, with low ideal of the service required, but great willingness to work, cannot accomplish the desired result; Andrew, on account of his lofty ideal of the service needed, has his energies paralyzed, and does not even strive for the desired end. Jesus answers the question by action simply, working through faith in God the fullness of His mercy. The choir also sang, "Christian, the evening waits before thee," by Shelley; "The souls of the righteous," by Foster.
