

SOPHOMORE THEATRICALS.- Rehearsal today at 1.30 sharp. All must be present.

COMMITTEE.HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- There will be a smoker of the club in the D. U. rooms at 7.30, Thursday evening. All are requested to be present.

E. F. ROGERS, President.The regular weekly hare and hounds run of the H. A. A. will be held this afternoon. The start will be from the gymnasium at 3.15.

J. H. HUNT.PEIRIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal at 4 p. m. sharp. Every member who expects to play in the concert must come to both rehearsals this week.

C. K. BENNETT.HARVARD PHIL. CLUB.- There will be a meeting this evening in 14 Wadsworth house. Mr. J. E. Homans will speak on "Determinism."


F. P. CABOT, Secretary.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Tickets for the Cambridge concert will be on sale at Thurston's, Thursday, December 12, at 10 a. m. Members of the Pierian, and Glee and Banjo clubs may get their tickets between 8 and 10 o'clock a. m. Thursday.

JOHN B. EMBICK, Secretary.FRESHMAN CREW.- The following men will be at the gymnasium to row at 3.30: Ingalls, Stone, Purington, Hale, Campbell, Cary, Pike, Barlow, Brown, Pease. The following at 3.50: Chew, Tansill, Burgess, A. L. Cochrane, Parker, Emmeth, Walcott, Brewer, Converse, Clarke, French, Falk. The following at 4.10: Sternburg, Post, Howard, Broughton, Davis, Winslow, Doe, Jaggar, Holland, Reid, Hathaway, Baldwin. The following at 4.30: Batchelder, Slade, Cochrane, Vail, Tripp, Wood, Keyes.


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