The fourth number of the Princeton college Bulletin, edited by the president and members of the faculty of Princeton, has appeared recently; it contains a number of original contributions, summaries of papers read before scientific societies; summaries of papers published, and numerous miscellaneous articles.
The number begins with a short sketch of the life of the late Alexander Johnston, who from 1884 to his death filled the chair of Jurisprudence and Political Economy at Princeton. The article does full justice to Professor Johnston's merits, and in a few pages it gives the reader an excellent idea of Professor Johnston's work. Professor A. L. Frothingham, jr., has contributed three admirable articles on art topics the "Introduction of Architecture into Italy," "An early Christian Rock-cut church at Sutri," and "An Architectural Tour in Central Italy." "The Cruise of the Grampus" by Professor William Libbey, jr., is an account of the investigations made last summer by a party sent by Princeton to observe the temperature and specific gravity of the ocean at different depths.
"The Princeton scientific expedition of 1889" is a brief outline of the work performed last summer by a party of Princeton students. under Professor W. B. Scott, in eastern Oregon.
The summaries of papers are all purely scientific; they treat of the verbs of saying in Plato, of open questions in English philology, of the separation of copper from arsenic by means of electricity, etc. Under the head of "Miscellaneous." articles of various kinds are to be found, notably the announcement of a series of lectures on Egypt to be delivered in Cambridge, Boston, New York and other cities by Miss A. B. Edwards, of London. The lectures will be on ancient as well as modern Egypt, and will treat of the discoveries made of recent years by the Egypt Exploration Fund.
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