
The Brown Observatory.

At the last commencement it was announced that Governor H. W. Ladd was to give an astronomical observatory to Brown university. Many sites were considered, but it was finally decided to erect the building on the grounds given to the university by Mrs. Metcalf for a botanic garden and for such other uses as the university should deem best. The site selected is an excellent one for astronomical observations as the view is unobstructed, except toward the west, where it is cut off close to the horizon, but at no point higher than from 50 to 80.

The Ladd observatory consists of a tower which is octagonal to a height of 25 feet, where a balcony is placed, and cylindrical above the balcony to an additional height of 10 feet. Within this tower which is 21 feet in diameter, rises a heavy masonry pier where an equatorial telescope of 12 inches aperture will be placed. The tower is covered by a revolving copper dome containing a wide slit which can be turned to any part of the heavens. The main building, situated at the east end of the tower, is 43x27, and 25 feet high. The roof is flat and is reached by a stair case which leads also to the tower. The building contains one large and two small rooms for a library and other uses, a photographic room, and apartments for clocks and minor instruments. The whole structure is substantially made of brick and stone and is not only well adapted to its purposes but is well proportioned and handsome.

Its prime use is to be an adjunct to the astronomical instruction offered in the college and to assist in the general course in Descriptive Astronomy which has been given at the college for some time. Advanced instruction for graduates will also be offered, and the observatory will be at the service of those who wish to pursue their studies in technical astronomy further than the undergraduate courses allow. The observatory will place the department of Astronomy on a good basis, offering, as it does, an opportunity to carry out the plans of the late Professor Greene.
