FRESHMAN CREW.- All candidates for the freshman crew will be at the boat house ready to row at 2 sharp.
D. O. EARLE.HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- Special meeting Monday November 11 in 14 Holworthy to determine the course of a Fall road race.
E. F. ROGERS. Pres.There will be a rehearsal of the freshman Banjo club on Monday evening at 7 in 4 Thayer. Any guitar players who have not yet tried for the club are especial invited.
H. E. SEARS.HARVARD CAMERA CLUB.- Meeting and exhibition of photographs Monday November 11, at 7.30 p. m. in room 4 of the Lawrence Scientific school. Pictures may be left at No. 9 Holworthy before 5 o'clock on the day of the meeting.
R. D. WOOD, Sec.The following men will be at the gymnasium at 2.30 sharp, dressed, to play Fall River High school: Kendricken, Frothingham, Ingalls, Hill, Broten, Bisbee, Collamore, Manning, Dunn, Cummings. Brice, Davis, Carey, Malone, Post, Vail.
SECOND ELEVEN.- The following men will be at the gymnasium at 2.15 sharp ready to go in town to play the Athletics: Curtis, '92, Wrenn, Mason, Fitzhugh, Higgins, Grimes, Bangs, Steedman, McDonald, Aiken, Pulsifer, Tyson. Faulkner, Darling, Moen, Greenough, Henry, Curtis, '90, McLeod, Henshaw, Campbell.
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H. U. C. A. Meeting.