A convention of college presidents has been held in New Haven for the past two days. President Dwight of Yale presides and the general object of the convention is a discussion of branches of education taught in the colleges. The convention will discuss ways by which a better feeling may be established among the students of the different colleges in place of the rivalry that now exists in consequence of the competition in athletics. The subject of college athletics itself is one of the most important under discussion. The conference may result in the formation of an association of the presidents of the New England colleges. Ten colleges are represented by the following delegates: Harvard, President Eliot and Professor James: Yale, President Dwight and Professor Newton; Brown, President Andrews and Professor Clark; Williams, President Carter and Professor Hewitt; Amherst, Professor Gorman; Trinity, President Smith and Professor McCook; Dartmouth, President Bartlett and Professor Richards; Tufts, President Capen and Professor Fay; Boston University, President Warren and Professor Bowne; Wesleyan, President Raymond and Professor Rice; Bowdoin, President Hyde and Professor Chapman.
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H. U. C. A. Meeting.