

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Important rehearsal Friday at 7 p. m. New music. Every man should be present.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Trial of candidates tonight in Roberts Hall, Brattle St., at 7.30 sharp.

All candidates for the freshman eleven will be on the Divinity field at 3.30 sharp.

S. W. ELLSWORTH.LOST.- A pair of terra-cotta gloves Tuesday morning, probably in Library. Finder please leave at desk.

ANDOVER CLUB,- The annual dinner of the Andover club will be held at the Boston Tavern Friday evening Nov. 8,


J. L. 7.30.

There will be an hour examination in English 2 at No. 6 Harvard Hall, Wednesday, November 13, at 10 a. m.

GEORGE LYMAN KITTREDGE.All students interested in Natural History and in the work which might properly be done in the university by the Harvard Natural History society are (whether they are members of the society or not) cordially invited to meet at Manter 2 this evening at 7.30 o'clock.

W. W. NOLEN.LOST.- A pair of spiked running shoes. Last seen under locker 331 in Gymnasium, Will finder please return to L. M. Wirts, 473 Broadway.

HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- The regular meeting of the Harvard Shooting club will be held at Watertown this afternoon. Take 1.30 car.

H. A. A.- The hare and hounds run will be held this afternoon. The start will be from the gymnasium at four o'clock sharp.

J. H. HUNT, Sec.SHOOTING CLUB.- There will be a match with Yale at Springfield on the morning of November 23. All men who have ever shot at the trap are urgently requested to come and try for the team.

CANOE CLUB.- All new members must pay their assessment before Nov. 8 if they wish their names to be put in the Index. Thurston will receive subscriptions today.

G. L. BATCHELDER, Purser.NINETY-TWO CREW.- The following men be at the gymnasium ready to row at 4 p. m. sharp: Weed, Cheney, Tutnam, Thomas, Berry, Draper, and the following men at 4.30: Howell, Shattuck, Codman, Motte, Simpkins, Scudder, Rhoades.

J. C. POWERS.Secretaries of all college societies are requested to send lists of officers and members to C. A. Hight, 25 Stoughton, for publication in the Index. All lists must be in before November 8. 32.4t

Pach Bros. have been appointed class photographers for '90. Seniors will please make their appointments at their earliest opportunity as it very desirable to have the work started immediately.

The tickets to Springfield will be on sale at Leavitt and Peirces today, after 8 a. m. The fare for the round trip will be $2.25, tickets being good only on special train leaving Boston at 10 a. m. and returning at 5.30 p. m.

These tickets will be taken away from Leavitt and Peirces at 12 p. m. November 21st.

