We publish today the record of the cricket eleven for the past season. Though Harvard lost the intercollegiate championship, and a majority of the games played, the record is on the whole encouraging. The eleven won more games than in 1888, and showed a marked improvement in its play to ward the end of the spring. Since all the old players, with a single exception, will be candidates next year, we may hope for a much stronger showing in 1890. The team will probably be no longer handicapped by lack of grounds for practice, as there is a good prospect of their obtain part of the college athletic fields next spring. The lack of a suitable place for playing has always been a serious drawback to the eleven, and has checked new men from coming out. With steady practice on good grounds, many old players and the large number of new candidates to draw from, who will undoubtedly be attracted to cricket if the eleven has the use of Jarvis or Norton's field, we may look for a better record next year, and look for a better record next year and even a victory in one of the championship games.
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