

No Headline

We are in receipt of the following letter from Dr. Lyman Abbott which we wish to commend to the attention of the students:

Edotor Harvard Crimson:

DEAR SIR-Will you kindly say to your readers that during my residence in Cambridge, to and including November 21st, I shall be very glad to make the acquaintance of any Harvard student who may desire to make my acquaintance, not only during appointed hours at Wadsworth House, from 9 to 11 a. m., but at any other hours by special appointment, which can be made with me either by mail or by conference after Chapel. Being comparatively at leisure while here my, time is more at the service of the university than it would other wise be.

Yours respectfully, LYMAN ABBOTT.6 Nov., 1889.

Dr. Abbott's kind offer needs no explanation by us.

