
Fact and Rumor.

There was a cut in French 4 on Tuesday.

Harding, L. S., has stopped training for the eleven.

There were hour examinations in Greek B and C yesterday.

The Boston Athletic club will play Trinity today in football

There are five new men playing with the Banjo club at present.


Yale '93, has accepted the resolutions which governed the '92 freshman games.

President Eliot addressed the Southern club last evening at the Society's rooms.

Last evening the St. Paul's Society was addressed by the Rev. George J. Prescott.

One hundred and seventy-one Americans attended the University of Berlin last year.

University of Pennsylvania plays Columbia at the Berkeley Oval, New York, on Saturday.

In Tuesday's New York Post there is a half column on Harvard's stand against professionalism.

Professor John Couch Adams the celebrated astronomer is lying seriously ill at the observatory.

The Glee club has been invited to sing at the Springfield Assembly the night before the Yale game.

The number of men who are now rowing on the river for the freshman crew has been reduced to twenty.

There will be hour examinations in Latin 6, Friday, Phil. 2, next Monday, and Pol. Econ. 4 a week from Friday.

Princeton's new track will be a third of a mile in circuit with a breadth of 24 feet on the 100 yard stretch.

Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Columbia have made arrangements for holding entrance examinations in Paris.

Mrs. C. W. Wallace of Chicago is to erect a memorial building to her son at Dartmouth. She has also endowed two scholarships.

Mr. Louis Dyer, formerly assistant professor of Greek was recently married to Miss Macmillan, daughter of the great English publisher.

The Shooting club is trying to arrange a match with Yale for the 23rd of the month. Tuesday's Yale News has an editorial in favor of the match.

Mr. A. L. Hodges, '83 has been appointed master of Latin at the Belmont School, Belmout, Mass. He took highest honors on classics while in college.

Princeton beat Columbia at the Berkeley Oval last Tuesday by a score of 71 to nothing. The second half was only twenty-five minutes. Wagenhurst did not play with Princeton.
