

LOST.- A Math. 3 a note book. Please return to W. H. Wickes, 12 Kirkland Place.

Several new sections of reserved seats for the Princeton game have been placed at Leavitt and Peirces.

J. A. LOWELL.The Rev. George J. Prescott will address the St. Paul's Society, Wednesday evening, November6, at 7 o'clock. It is hoped that as many members as possible will be present.

EXEC. COM.H. A. A.- The Hare and Hounds run will start from the gymnasium. The hares will start at 4 o'clock sharp.

The tickets to Springfield will be on sale at Leavitt and Peirces tomorrow, after 8 a. m. The fare for the round trip will be $2.25, tickets being good only on special train leaving Boston at 10 a. m. and returning at 5.30 p. m.


These tickets will be taken away from Leavitt and Peirces at 12 p m., November 21st.

J. A. LOWELL.NINETY-TWO CREW.- The following men will be at the gymnasium ready to row at 5 p. m. sharp: Cheney, Putnam. Thomas, Berry, Greenwood, Draper and J. C. Hubbard; and the following men at 4.30: Howell. Shattuck, Codman, Motte, Simpkins and Young.

J. C. POWERS.HARVARD ELECTRIC CLUB.- Meeting tonight in the club room in Lawrence Scientific School at 7.30. New members can obtain shingles from the secretary. Important business; two vacant offices to be filled; election of new members. A paper will be read upon the Arc Light System.

L. K. PEROT, Sec.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Freshmen are reminded that the trial of candidates for the Freshman Glee club will be held Thursday in Roberts Hall at 7.30 p. m.

There will be a very important meeting of the class of '88, Phillips Exeter Academy, at 25 Holyoke St., Friday evening, November 8.

J. S. CRANSTON, vice-Pres.T. W. LAMONT. vice-Pres.A. H. LOCKETT. vice-Pres.Secretaries of all college societies are requested to send lists of officers and members to C. A. Hight, 25 Stoughton, for publication in the Index. All lists must be in before November 8. 32-4t

Pach Bros. have been appointed class photographers for '90. Seniors will please make their appointments at their earliest opportunity as it very desirable to have the work started immediately.
