
Fact and Rumor.

There are still 155 men on the waiting list at Memorial.

There will be an hour examination today in Phil. I at 12 o'clock.

There will be an hour examination in Math. 2 Wednesday or Friday.

There will be an hour examination in Latin B today.

It is rumored that Hastings will be ready for occupancy on Friday.


R. Bisbee has been appointed captain of the freshman second eleven.

The Andover club at Yale numbers about 140 men.

The museum of comparative Zoolwill be closed on Sundays until further notice.

Professor Trowbridge will deliver a lecture under the auspices of the Electric club some time this month.

Mr. Walter C. Nichols of the freshman class has been elected an editor of the Lampoon.

Professor F. G. Peabody has an article in the November Forum on "Industrial Co-operation in England."

Football games today: Yale vs. Crescents at Brooklyn; Princeton vs. Columbia at the Berkeley oval in New York.

The second special reports in History 13, due December 1, will be given out next Thursday.

It is likely that a large number of Princeton men will come up for the Harvard game. Reduced rates of sever dollars for the round trip have been obtained.

The following men will play with the freshman team after November 23: Fearing, Trafford, Upton, Campbell, Hallowell.

A second talk on narrative composition in English B will be given in Sever 11 at 2 o'clock. The revised copy of Theme I, is due at the same time.

Professor Putnam, curator of the Peabody Musium has returned from a geological trip to New Jersey. On his way home he lectured at Worcester before the Antiquarian society.

The contractors have begun to tear down the old Whig Hall, at Princeton, and a new one, costing $40,000, of the Grecian style, will be erected on the old site. Whig Hall was founded in 1769, by James Madison.

The pole vault postponed from Friday's meeting will take place on Holmes at 4 this afternoon. Following are the men entered with their handicaps: Mason, '91, 1 foot; Sternbergh, '93, 1 foot; Leavitt, L. S., scratch; Miller '93, 1 1-2 feet.

The dinner of the Harvard Andover club will be held at the Boston Tavern, Friday evening, November 8, at 7.30. Principal Bancroft, Professor Graves and Professor Palmer will be present. Acceptances should be sent to J. W. Lund, 14 Wadsworth house.

In the Groton-St. Marks game on Saturday the score up to the last thirty seconds was 26 to 20 in favor of Groton. At this time Morgan of the St. Marks team broke through, got the ball and made a touchdown from which a goal was kicked, thus tying the score.

The following are the ten successful applicants for the course in electrical shop work training: From the Scientific school, Holmes, J. Hall, E. H. Lewis, L. K. Perot, F. B. Lord, L. W. Page; from the college: F. S. Duncan, '90, C. Nutt, '90, S. M. Wirts, Sp., G. S. Curtis, '92.
