There will be an important meeting of the CRIMSON Board at 1.30 today.
Will the man who took my overcoat (blue with collar) from the upper hall in Boylston Friday, after Chem. I. recitation please return it to Myer, 19 Irving street.
All candidates for the freshman eleven be on the Divinity field at 3.30 sharp.
S. W. ELLSWORTH.FOUND.- A pair of men's kid gloves in front of Leavitt and Pierce's. The owner can get them at 4 Trowbridge street.
SENIOR CREW.- The following men will please be at the boat house ready to row at 4 p. m: Abbot, : Fessenden, Chamberlin, Blagden, Crane, Eastman, Richmond.
C. L. CREHORE, Capt.ZOOLOGICAL CLUB.- Meeting this evening at the Agassiz museum. Reviews and abstracts of papers on Bryozra, Symbriosis, Animal Mechanism, etc. Doors open at 7.15.
The reserve seat tickets for the Yale game will be on sale at Leavitt and Pierce's, Tuesday, November 5, at 7.30 a. m. As there is a great demand for these tickets, only ten tickets will be sold to each purchaser.
J. A. LOWELL.Pach Bros. have been appointed class photographers for '90. Seniors will please make their appointments at their earliest opportunity as it very desirable to have the work started immediately.
R. L. MCDUFFIE,H. CHALFANT,E. L. ROGERS, Photo. Committee.HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- A moonlight run and dinner will be held Tuesday evening November 5. Dinner at Woodlawn Hotel, Auburndale, at 6 o'clock. Start from Harvard square at 5 o'clock prompt. Subscription $1. Members sign blue book at Leavitt and Peirces.
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Chess Tournament.