Editors Daily Crimson:
DEAR SIRS-Now that the foot ball season has closed we shall be left practically without any outdoor sport until next spring. The only recreation through all that time will be skating, which is always precarious in this climate, and difficult to indulge in because Fresh pond is so far from the college. Before it is too late I should like to suggest through your columns the advisability of forming an association to introduce tobogganing at Harvard. This sport has lately come into as great favor in the vicinity of Boston as it has always had in Canada. I believe that a large number of men are already equipped with toboggans, and that many more would take an interest in the sport if a slide were built on one of our athletic fields. I am informed that there would probably be no difficulty in obtaining the use of Jarvis, Holmes or Norton's field through the winter, as the slide could be built without injury to the ground. It would be easy to plan a slide of considerable length on these fields. The expense would be small if a large number of men entered into the scheme, and the return for the money would more than repay the outlay. If anything is to be done towards obtaining a slide this year, it should be done at once before the snow covers the ground. I hope that all men interested in tobogganing will help to carry out this suggestion, and thus to secure for the college a beautiful and delightful winter sport.
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