It seems necessary to call attention to a weak point in our athletic system which has so far escaped the attention of the Athletic committee. A man who intends to enter for the games of the Athletic association is expected to be examined a day or two before the meeting. If he desires to be examined earlier he finds himself barred out by the great number of men who have signed before him and he has consequently to wait till the last moment. Now in the course of a man's training he is obliged in his trial heats to exert himself almost as much as in the race itself. If therefore a man is in such condition physically that the races are dangerous to him, his previous training surely must also be a source of danger.
Moreover, there is an element of injustice in allowing a man to spend money, time and energy in preparing for a race which he is not to be allowed to enter. We have had the evils and inconveniences of the system so well illustrated in a recent case of disqualification that we cannot but recommend the consideration of the matter by the proper authorities.
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