The Yale Banner for 1889 gives a complete statement of the number of students in the different departments of the university. The total enrollment this year is 1413, an increase of 48 or about 3.5 per cent. over last year. There is a gain in every department with the single exception of the Art school. Since last year the Academic department has increased from 688 to 727; the Scientific school from 308 to 335; the Law school from 106 to 107; the Medical school from 35 to 47; and the Theological school from 133 to 140. The Art school has fallen from 47 to 39. The present freshman classes in both the Academic department and the Scientific school are the largest in the history of the college.
Of the whole number of students in the university 490 come from Connecticut, 275 from New York state, 94 from Ohio, 89 from Massachusetts, 88 from Pennsylvania, 71 from Illinois. Of the extreme western states Colorado sends 13 and California 11. There are 12 from Japan, 8 from Canada, 5 from the Sandwich islands, 2 from Wales and 3 from Turkey.
There has been a steady growth in the number of students during the four years that President Dwight has been connected with the college. Since 1886 the total enrollment has increased a little more than 24 per cent. The changes in each department during the last four years are shown in the following table. The graduate students are given separately, and are not enumerated in the several departments:
1886. 1887. 1888. 1889.
Graduate dep't, 56 69 79 83
Academic dep't, 570 614 688 727
Scientific school, 279 291 308 316
Law school, 79 94 106 100
Medical school, 27 26 35 47
Divinity school, 108 117 133 133
Art school, 44 58 47 39
Total. 1163 1269 1396 1435
Names ins'd twice, 29 24 31 32
Actual number, 1134 1245 1365 1413
As seen from the above table there has been a numerical increase of 279 during the presidency of Dr. Dwight.
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