FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal Wednesday evening in 4 Thayer, at 7 o'clock.
H. E. SEARS.MINNESOTA CLUB.- Special meeting at 13 Felton tonight.
L. S. Thompson, Lamont, Skinner L. S. and Cummin will please be at 7 Littles Block this afternoon at 2 p. m.
The sixth hare and hounds run of the Harvard Athletic Association will be held this afternoon at 3.15. Start from the gymnasium.
J. H. HUNT.Secretary.
A dinner will be given at the Boston Tavern on Tuesday, December 3, by the Exeter club of Harvard if thirty men sign by Friday night. $2.50 a plate. It is positively necessary that all who intend to go should sign Blue book at Leavitt and Pierce's immediately. Per order
DINNER COMMITTEE.The following men will be on Jarvis field at 3.30 sharp: McDonald, Upton, Davis, Brice, Collamore, Ingalls, Robb, Blake, Parker, Mullins, Chew, Dibblee, Forbes, Hallowell, Dunn, Cummings, Vail, Falk, Carey, Bartlett. The following at 3, sharp: Kendricken, Fearing, Trafford, Frothingham.
S. W. ELLSWORTH.Reduced rates to New Haven have been obtained for the game next Saturday with Yale, '93. The fare for the round trip will be $6.00 fifty cents of which will be returned if more than a hundred men accompany the team. Coupon tickets will be far sale at Leavitt and Pierce's until 8 p. m. Thursday.
F. W. MOORE, Mang. '93.
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