

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal Wednesday evening in 4 Thayer at 7 o'clock.

H. E. SEARS.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- There will be a meeting this afternoon at 5, in Roberts Hall. All men who have not already tried for the club and can sing tenor at all are earnestly requested to come and try this afternoon,

C. K. CUMMINGS, Secretary.FRESHMAN CREW.- The following men will be at the gymnasium to row at 3.30 sharp: Clark, Ramson, Campbell, Stone, French, Batchelder, Brewer. The following at 3.40: Tansill, Barlow, Flink. Curtis, Walworth, Tripp, Converse, P. Stone. The following at 4.10: Winslow, Wood, Jagger, Doe, Baldwin, Dexter, Taylor, Brown. All others at 4.30 sharp.

D. O. EARLE.The following men will be on Jarvis field at 3.30 sharp: McDonald, Upton, Davis, Brice, Kendricken, Ingalls, Robb. Blake, Parker, Mullins, Chew, Dibblee, Fitzhugh, Forbes, Bass, Hallowell, Dunn, Cummings, Vail, Falk, Carey, Bartlett. The following at 3, sharp: Fearing, Trafford, Frothingham.


