At an informal meeting held last night the following committee was chosen to consider the question of a university dinner to the eleven; from the Law School-Adams, W. Alexander, Garrison, Honore, Hunneman, Keyes, King, Morse, Rand, Thayer, Wetmore, Willard; from '90-Blagden, Chalfant, Crehore, Dexter 1st., Fairbank, Fulsifer, Torrey, Wardner; from '91-Bass, Bowman, Brooks, Burnett, Fitzhugh, Frint, Goldthwaite, R. B. Hale, Moen. Stokes, Wendell, Williams; from '92-Amory, Allen, Chase, Carpenter, Forbes. Griswold, Hunt, Landon, Kidder, Powers. Rantoul, Saltonstall; from '93-Blagden, Blake, Cummings, Davis, Dunn, Ellsworth, Earle, Frothingham, Howard, Keyes, Parker, Robb.
A sub-committee was chosen to take charge of the affair. The dinner will be held next week, and a book for signatures will be placed at Leavitt's immediately-Men must sign at once.
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The Brown Game Postponed.