
Fact and Rumor.

Work on the new gate has been finished.

There were cuts in Math. 2 and 3 yesterday.

There will be no formal lecture in History 1 today.

Dibblee has gone to the freshman football training table.

There was an unannounced examination in German 1a yesterday.


The 'Varsity eleven was photographed in a group on Jarvis field Wednesday.

The 'varsity Glee club gave a concert at Springfield last evening at the Springfield assembly.

Copies of the CRIMSON of the issue of Saturday, September 28, will be paid for at the CRIMSON office.

The first of a series of parties which Gade, '93, is managing, was held Thursday night in Roberts hall.

Only undergraduate members of the academic and scientific departments at Yale have been admitted to the football practice this week except by a pass from the football management.

Today's issue of the Cambridge Tribune will be a football number, containing cuts of the eleven, and giving data concerning the games this fall.

Lehigh's defeat on Wednesday at Bethlehem, of the University of Pennsylvania, virtually gives the state championship to Lehigh.

Hon. George F. Hoar has contributed several hundred government publications and some rare works from his private library to Clarke University.

A large crowd collected in front of Bartlett's yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock to cheer the eleven. They went into town in a barge, and left for Springfield by the 4 o'clock train. One hundred Dartmouth students will be at Springfield today to witness the two football matches. The game in the morning between Dartmouth and Williams will probably decide the championship of the smaller colleges.

Special cares for the Harvard-Yale game today will leave New Haven, Boston, Amherst, Williamstown, New York, Buffalo and Albany. Fifty police offices in uniform will be arranged around the field at Springfield to keep the crowd back.

The shooting match between Yale and Harvard will take place this morning on the grounds of the Springfield Gun club. Following are the teams: Yale-Sage (captain), Pike, Locke, Burrell, and Farwell or Gaston. Harvard-Quinlan (captain), Luce, Post, Bacon and Dodge.

The Amherst Alumni association of Boston and vicinity held its annual banquet at the Thorndike Thursday evening. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, A. H. Dakin, '84; vice president, R. C. Smith, '82; secretary and treasurer, F. L. Norton, '86. The following football games will be played today: Williams vs. Dartmouth at Hampden park, Springfield, in the morning, championship game; Harvard vs. Yale at Hampden park in the after-Easton; Columbia vs. Cornell at the noon; Pennsylvania vs. Lafayette at Berkeley Oval; Pennsylvania Military academy vs. Johns Hopkins at Chester, Pa.
