
C. L. S., 10; B. L. S., O.

Cambridge wins the Championship.

The deciding game of the interscholastic series was won by the Cambridge Latin School on the Boston baseball grounds, yesterday afternoon. The game was well played on both sides although Cambridge did a little better than the Boston Latin men. Mr. V. Harding was referee, and Mr. Fiske umpire and both acted to the satisfaction of the teams, During the first half neither side scored. In the second Whitman made two touchdowns from one of which Corbett kicked a goal. The Cambridge men outplayed Boston at every point, except in blocking off. This game gives Cambridge the cup for the second time. Following is the make-up of the Cambridge team: Rushers-Harding, Clark, McDaniel, Haynes (centre), Dickinson, Sprague, Whittemore; quarter-back, Wrenn, half-backs, Corbett (captain), Raymond, full-back, Whitman.
