There will be a meeting of the class of '87 of the Boston Latin School, at 7 o'clock p. m. in 8 Matthews.
C. H. BEAN, Sec. and Treas.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- There will be a rehearsal this evening in Lyceum hall at 7 sharp.
C. K. CUMMINGS, Secretary.The following men will be on Jarvis ready to play '93 at 2.45 sharp: Chase, Bass, Mason, Rantoul, Higgins, Grimes, Fessenden, G. Harding, Moen, Weld, Curtis, '92, Faulkner.
W. C. FORBES.The Graduate Club will meet this evening at 8 o'clock, at 15 Brattle Sq., suite 8. After the business session which will be important, Mr. J. B. Chittenden, with a paper on Metempsychosis, will lead the discussion of the evening.
E. D. ROE, Jr., Sec.The following men will be on Divinity field at 3.30 sharp: Dunn, Carey, Cummings, Brice, Davis, Vail, Chew, Dibblee, Robb, Mullins, Ingalls, Burgess, Stearns, Pease, Falk, Stephenson, Bartlett, Post, Blake, Broughton, Collamore, Manning.
S. W. ELLSWORTH.NINETY-TWO CREW.- The following men will be at the boat house ready to row at 4 p. m.: Weed, J. C. Hubbard, Motte, Draper, Gillespie, Stearns, Greenwood, Young. The following men will be at the gymnasium at 5 p. m.: Rhoades Putnam, Codman, Loring, McKay Gratwick, Aldrich, and Pinkham.
J. C. POWERS, Captain.
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