
B. A. A., 10; Harvard, '93, 5.

The freshman eleven went to Boston yesterday and played the eleven of the Boston Athletic association on the grounds opposite the club house. During the first five minutes of the game the freshmen played well; but after that time the team went all to pieces, and could not do another bit of effectual work. The Athletic club eleven played a fairly good game, considering their lack of training. Peters and Hunt, at half back, did some good rushing, and Morrison, at left end, played an excellent game. Both teams showed an inclination to play roughly.

The game began at 3.38, with Harvard in possession of the ball. It was forced rapidly toward the Athletic club goal line by short rushes. The whole team played an effective, snappy game, the rushers making holes for the backs and blocking off well. Four minutes after play began Frothingham kicked a goal from the field. Score 5-0. After the ball had been put in play at the center of the field, it was almost immediately forced into Harvard's territory, and there it stayed; it changed sides often because both teams fumbled execrably. But the Athletic club eleven was doing better work, and slowly forced the play to Harvard's line. A four o'clock Hunt broke through the freshman line and scored a touchdown. The ball was punted out and a fair catch allowed; but the try for goal was a failure. Score, Ninety-three, 5; B. A. A., 4. When the ball was put in play, the fresmen braced in their play, and during the remainder of the half kept the ball in the middle of the field. The half ended at 4.22.

It was already growing dark, so the second half began immediately after the close of the first. The Athletic club eleven forced the play, and five minutes after the half began, Peters carried the ball to within a foot of Harvard's goal line by an excellent rush; a moment later it was carried over the line by Hunt; the goal was kicked. Score, B. A. A., 10 Ninety-three, 5. The rest of the half was poorly played by both teams. When time was called the ball was within ten yards of Harvard's line.

The teams were made up as follows:

B. A. A.- Rushers: Morrison, G. W. Beals, Goddard, Wheeler, Houghton, Holder, E. W. Beals; quarter-back, Kimball; half-backs, Peters, Hunt; full-back, Watkinson.


Harvard Ninety-three-Rushers; Dibblee (Chew), Dunn, Vail, Briee, Davis, Cummings, Collamore; quarter-back, Ingalls; half-backs, Robb, Mullins; full-back, Frothingham.
