

Y. M. C. A.- Meeting in Lawrence hall at 7.30. All students invited.

The tickets for the special train, now on sale at Leavitt and Pierce's, will be taken away at 12m., today.

J A. LOWELL.Skinner, L. S., Thompson, Lamont, and Cummin, will please be at 7 Littles block today at 4 p. m. Important business.

HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- There will be a regular meeting of the Harvard Shooting club this afternoon at Watertown. Take 1.30 car.

H. A. A.- The fifth hare and hounds run of the H. A. A. will take place this afternoon. The start will be from the gymnasium at 3.15.


J. H. HUNT. Secretary.The Natural History society will meet at its room this evening at 7.30 o'clock. Mr. George J. Pierce is expected to read a paper on Symbiosis.

COLLIER COBB, Secretary.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 1.30 p. m. in Roberts hall, and at 7 p. m. in Dane hall. Those who want to go to Springfield must be present at both rehearsals.

H. de F. LOCKWOOD, Pres.
