A very powerful article appeared in yesterday morning's Post on the subject of intercollegiate athletics. It is an article that every man interested in the present athletic situation would do well to read for it goes right to the heart of the matter and contains a condemnation of the professionalism which is now so prevalent. The game with Princeton last Saturday and the meeting held in New York last week are made the basis of the article. The writer says that a state of athletics when protests and affidavits are even necessary is not the state which should be sought after by college men in their contests with each other.
The downright and unconcealed slugging of Saturday's game is also condemned. There is a great deal of difference between a game played strongly by both teams, which is necessarily rough, and one when the aim of a team is evidently to knock their opponents out or to use them up so that they are unfit to offer any resistance.
Another point highly censured and rightly so, is that men on Jarvis last Saturday paraded up and down in front of the benches, their hands full of money and invited or rather taunted men to bet. Betting is an evil inseparable from college as much as professional athletics, but that it should be carried on in so open and disgraceful a manner, shows clearly that professionalism is fast tainting the whole structure of intercollegiate contests.
According to this article athletic contests are fast losing their Interest, as people wish to see a regular amateur exhibition and failing this. would prefer to witness a contest between avowed professionals, who make athletics a business and far exceed the efforts of their collegiate quasi-brethren.
The writer points out that now is the time for decisive action if Harvard wishes to put the mark of her condemnation upon the tendencies towards professionalism, which are fast gaining headway. If Harvard alone wishes to see athletics put on a higher plan, let her withdraw, although it seems hardly probable that she would be allowed to act alone in this matter. Whatever is the means employed, the writer urges that Harvard may put herself in such a position that with all truth she may make this announcement; "This university is for learning first; for gentlemanly sports next; for professionalism not at all."
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Bowdoin and Dartmouth.