The fall handicap road race of the Bicycle club took place yesterday afternoon. Only seven of the sixteen men entered were on hand when the first man was started. The handicaps were as follows: E. A. Bailey, '91, scratch; K. Brown, '91, 43 seconds; P. W. Davis, '93, 2m., 8s.; T. Barron, '91, 2m., 8s.; R. W. Holmes, '92, 2m., 20s.; A. H. Williams, '91, 3m., 25s.; Sheffield, '92, 5m., 18s.
The start was made at 3.15 from the watering trough directly opposite the gate. Sheffield, who had the largest handicap, was the first man to complete the first lap, followed by Williams at some distance. Brown dropped out at the end of the first lap on account of some trouble with his saddle. At the beginning of the second lap Williams passed Sheffield. Bailey and Holmes came in sight. Williams succeeded in keeping the lead until the third lap when Bailey made a good spurt and took the lead which he held to the finish, making the distance in 34 minutes, 46 seconds. On the last lap Barron and Davis passed Williams and kept this position until the home stretch when Williams by a good spurt passed Davis, and finished less than a foot behind Barron. The first three men will receive cups. Bailey will also have a cup for the fastest time. Mr. R. H. Davis, '91, acted as referee.
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Le Malade Imaginaire.