The third number of the Advocate appeard last Saturday. It is a good deal above the usual standard, especially as regards the stories. The editorials are clear and to the point, and discuss subjects of great interest to the student-body; the stories are interesting and well-told, and the poetry is better than what usually appears in the Advocate.
The first editorial comments upon Dr. Lyman Abbott's acceptance of "the by no means easy postition of University preacher," and notes the effect of Dr. Abbott's kindness in an increased attendance at Chapel. The other editorials-the last one excepted-deal with "the repeated mismanagement in connection with the foot ball games." The policy of the foot ball association is pithily characterized as a plan to make money, and then to accomodate the students. The various instances of mismanagement are clearly set forth, both as regards last Saturday's game and next Saturday's. The last editorial notes the recently established institution of a Graduate Treasurer and the benefits to be derived from it. The tendency will be to make the finacial management of the athletic associations more satisfactory, and the way for other reforms will be opened.
"Elise" is an episode in the lue of a voung American sculptor in Paris; the plut, so far, has been developed very well, and gives promise of an equally interesting conc usion in the next number of the Advocate.
The communications deal with the same subject treated in the editorial columns-with the mismanagement of the foot ball association and the injustice done to the students in the sale of tickets for the games.
"A Short Essay on the Practical Uses of Political Economy" is a poem written in perhaps too light a vein to appear in the Advocate. It possesses positive merits in movement and in point, but shows hasty work.
"A Mission Legend" is the best story in this number. As the writer states, it is written entirely without regard to style or effect, and this same unpretentiousness lends a great charm to it. The tale is that of the love of an Indian princess for a Mission Father with its tragic and unexpected end.
"Malchen's Gnome," is a sort of a fairy-tale of the Black Forest. It is extremely original, but perhaps more interesting to children than to students.
The usual book reviews are omitted, and the number ends with the Advocate's Brief, brought up to Nov. 12.
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Le Malade Imaginaire.