

LOST.- On Jarvis, Saturday, a pair of gold rimmed eye glasses. Please leave at Amee's bookstore, if found.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Important rehearsal tonight at 7. Every member must come. There will be no rehearsal on Friday.

There will be a meeting of the St. Paul's Society in 17 Grays this evening at 7. All members of the university will be welcome.

FOR SALE.- A Singer Safety Bicycle, (1889), lamp and baggage carrier; been used two weeks. Apply 746 Cambridge street.

LOST.- On the way from the Divinity field to the gymnasium, or on the field, a bunch of keys. The finder will be rewarded for leaving them at Leavitt and Pierces.


There will be a meeting of the Southern club in the club rooms, this evening at 8 o'clock. Professor Toy will deliver an address.

F. F. CAUSEY, Sec.The following men will be at the gymnasium at 3 o'clock sharp, ready to play the Boston Athletics: Davis, Dunn, Collamore, Brice, Ingalls, Frothingham, Mullins, Dibblee, Cummings, Vail, Broughton, Robb, Cary, Chew.

S. W. ELLSWORTH.HARVARD CHESS AND WHIST CLUB.- Important meeting tonight in the rooms of the club. The amendment to the constitution is to be considered, and a large attendance is desired. Rooms open at 6.30. Last day for paying dues.

