
Fact and Rumor.

The first forensic in English C and D will be due tomorrow.

Cornell gave three hundred and fifty-eight scholarships last year.

There will be no lecture in English A Saturday, nor in N. H. 2.

There will be an hour examination in History XV. next Tuesday.

The freshman eleven will practice regularly with the 'varsity next week.


Amherst will play Stevens a championship game of foot ball at Amherst today.

The new boat house will cost $11,000; the price paid for the grounds was $4,500.

Princeton has engaged two more coach positions than Yale for the Thanksgiving game.

The petition that the nine be allowed to engage Clarkson as a coach this year has been granted.

There are three Vassar alumnae among the trustees of the new Barnard college in New York.

There are 140 men on the waiting list at Memorial. It is expected that all will be accommodated by Christmas.

The third lecture on German literature to the freshmen will be given tomorrow by Professor Francke. His subject will be "Luther as a Writer."

The astronomical department at Vassar is now connected with the New England Meteorological Society and sends regular monthly reports to Cambridge.

At a meeting of the Yale Athletic association on Monday evening the following officers were elected: President, Frederick C. Walcott, '91; vice-president, Stanley H. Pearce; secretary and treasurer, John D. Cheney. The report of the treasurer showed a surplus of $241.

The report that Mr. W. C. Kitchin, author of "The Fall of the Christians," which will appear as a serlal in the New York Ledger during the coming year, is a professor in Harvard was not authorized by Mr. Kitchin, but grew out of a misunderstanding. Mr. Kitchin, formerly professor of English in the Tokyo Anglo-Japanese college, is now a graduate student in Harvard. The editors of the Ledger have been notified and will correct the statement they made that Mr. Kitchen was an instructor here.

The next annual convention of the Modern Language association will be held at Harvard during the Christmas holidays of this year. Announcements of papers that will be presened have reached the secretary of the convention from Professors Hunt (Princeton), Gummere (Haverford), Wright (Middlebury), Primer (Providence), Tolman (Ripon), Gerber (Earlham), Schmidt-Wartenberg (University of Deseret), Kent (University of Tennessee), Grandgent (Boston), Matzke (Bowdoin), Marcou (University of Michigan), Dodge (Columbia). Precise dates and definite place of the meeting will be given in the programme which will be issued shortly before the convention.
