The Boston Athletic Association will hold their first Annual Handicap Meeting on Saturday, February 15, 1890, in Mechanics' Hall, Huntington Avenue, Boston, commencing at 8 p. m. promptly. Following are the events: 50 yards run, 1 mile run, 440 yards run, 880 ards run, 220 yards run over 2 feet 6 inch hurdles, 1 mile walk, pole vault, running high jump, putting 16 1b. shot, 220 yards run, throwing 56 1b. weight, tug-of-war of 650 pounds, 4 men, 2 substitutes allowed; no contest unless two teams enter. The course will be a board track of about 13 laps to the mile. Rules of the Amateur Athletic Union will govern all contests. The meeting will be open to members of recognized amateur athletic clubs only. An amateur is defined as follows:
One who has not entered in an open competition; or for either a stake, public or admission money, or entrance fee; or under a fictitious name; or who has not competed with or against a professional for any prize or where admission fee is charged; or who has not instructed, pursued, or assisted in the pursuit of athletic exercises as a means of livelihood, or for gain or any emolument; or whose membership of any Athletic club of any kind was not brought about, or does not continue, because of any mutual understanding, expressed or implied, whereby his becoming or continuing a member of such a club would be of any becuniary benefit to him whatever, direct or indirect; and who shall in other and all respects conform to the rules and regulations of the organization.
An entry fee of 50 cents per man for each event, and $3 for tug of war teams, must accompany all entries, and the committee reserve the right to reject any entry. The entries will close positively Wednesday, February 5, with Lawrence Tucker, Secretary, Exeter street, Boston.
Silver cups, impressed with club seal, will be given for first, second, and third, in each event. A handsome silk banner will be presented to the club making the most points. Firsts will count 5, seconds 3, and thirds 1.
The managers of the meeting will be the athltic committee of the B. A. A.- George B. Morrison, chairman, Richard D. Sears, Harrison Gray Otis, William Appleton, Thomas Nelson, Samuel K. Sanford.
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Le Malade Imaginaire.