FOUND.- In Sever, a pair of gloves. Call at Thayer 57, evenings.
FOUND.- A small sum of money. Apply at 4 Weld.
LOST.- A Chemistry I note-book. Please leave at Leavitt and Peirce's.
DELTA UPSILLON.- Meetings will be called hereafter at 7.30.
F. L. FERRIS, Sec.FRESHMAN CREW.- All candidates for the freshman crew will be at the boat house ready to walk at 2 sharp.
D. O. EARLE.All holders of regular (red) season tickets must present an admission ticket at the gate. Admission tickets for the Pennsylvania game may be had at Leavitt and Pierce's by showing season ticket.
J. A. LOWEEL.HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- Winners of cups in the spring races can obtain them at Leavitt and Pierce's today.
LOST.- Friday afternoon on Main street between Baptist church and Beck hall a gold examined watch with gold chain and ball. Finder will be rewarded for returning to 14 Chauncy St.
LOST.- A large size note book from shelf at end of table in Memorial Hall. If found please return to same place.
Several rooms singly, or bed rooms and dressing rooms connected. Apply at 49 North avenue, cor. Langdon St., or at Leavitt and Pierce's. 3t
Pach Bros. have been appointed class photographers for '90. Seniors will please make their appointments at their earliest opportunity as it very desirable to have the work started immediately.
R. L. MCDUFFIE,H. CHALFANT,E. L. ROGERS, Photo. Committee.The following men will meet at Leavitt and Pierce's at 1.20 sharp ready to go to Andover: Hill, Davis, Brice, Cummings, Dunn, Post, Malone, Bisbee, Fairchild, Kendricken, Frothingham, Miller, Vail,
S. W. ELLSWORTH.HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- A moonlight run and dinner will be held Tuesday evening November 5. Dinner at Woodlawn Hotel, Auburndale, at 6 o'clock. Start from Harvard square at 5 o'clock prompt. Subscription $1. Members sign blue book at Leavitt and Peirces.
The following men will please be on Jarvis Field at 12 o'clock to learn their duties as ushers: Bangs, J. C. Bishop, H. R. Bishop, Emerson, Lawrence, Longworth, Luce, Nichols, Parker, Shaw, J. Winthrop.
J. T. BURNETT, Chief Usher.All members of the University registering from Minnesota, and wishing to join the Harvard Minnesota club are invited to send in their names to
C. K. BENNETT, Sec, 17 Shepard St.
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Mr. Copeland's Reading.