

There will be a rehearsal of the Glee Club today at 1.30.

GUITAR AND MADOLIN CLUB.- No rehearsal until Friday at 7 in 1 Weld.

G. JONES, Secretary.Rehearsal of freshman Glee club this afternoon at 5 o'clock sharp in Roberts hall. Everyone must attend.

ADVOCATE.- Meeting tonight at seven o'clock in 47 Holyoke. Very important.

G. P. WARDNER.LOST.- Probably in U. 20 a pair of gloves. Finder will please return to 22 Hollis or leave them in U. 20 Wednesday morning.


LOST.- At Saturday's foot ball game, a dark woolen glove (right hand). The finder will confer a favor by leaving same at Auditor's office Memorial Hall.

Annual Chess Tournament. Book for signatures at Bartlett's. Entrance fee 25 cents. The book will be removed Friday. All are invited to enter.

F. W. BURLINGHAM, Secretary.CLASS of '6.- It is desired to try for the crew every member of the class who has a good constitution, is 5 feet 9 inches tall, and weigos over 154 pounds. Will such men or the friends of such men send their names and address to

J. C. POWERS, Captain.19 Shepard's Block.

The following men wid be on Divinity field at 3.30 sharp: Dunn, Carey, Cummings, Brice, Davis, Vail, Chew, Dibblee, Robb, Mullins, Ingalls, Burgess, Stearns, Mulford, Pease, Kidder, Stephenson, Bartlett, Post, Blake, Frothingham, Falk, Windsor, Malone, Broughton, Collamore, Manning.

S. W. ELLSWORTH.FRESHMAN CREW.- The following men will be at the boat house ready to row at 3.15: Clarke, Ramson, Campbell, Stone, French, Batebelder, Brewer, Keyes. The following at 4.10 sharp: Baldwin, Tripp, Tansill, Winslow, Doe, Jagger, Wood. All others will be at the gymnasium at 4,10 to row.

