The first meeting of the Conference Francaise will be held this evening in the room of the Southern club, which the society will use during the year. It was thought best to give up the old rooms on Jarvis street, because they were found to be so far from the yard, that on stormy nights the attendance at the meetings suffered. There are now about seventy-five men in the society, but the number will probably be increased to eigh-five or ninety before Christmas.
Last year the society was very unfortunate in selecting for their theatricals the evening on which the Boylston Prize Speaking was held, but this year mistakes of that kind will be avoided if possible. Nothing has as yet been decided about the play for this year, excepting that one certainly will be given next spring sometime about the first of May.
This year the Conference starts with very bright prospects and there is every reason to believe that its success will equal if not surpass that of the past.
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