
Training the Yale Eleven.

An article entitled "Training the Yale Eleven" by H. W. Beecher was published in the supplement of the last number of Harper's Weekly. The writer gives a detailed account of the manner of picking out and training the men and explains the various duties that are incumbent upon each candidate for the team. He says that by training not only is perfection in physical condition sought after, but also team play. The first is easily attained but the difficulty lies in the latter. The idea of brilliant individual play must first be eliminated; they must realize that eleven men working together can accomplish more than one. At Yale, the writer says, no favoritism is ever allowed in the selection of men. The men who are sought after are those who show activity, endurance and pluck, brute strength being regarded as inferior to these qualities. The men are trained easily for a week so that they become thoroughly hardened before hard play begins. The captain watches carefully the peculiarities of each man and places him in a position accordingly. The share of work is as fairly divided as possible so that no one man shall become too tired to do his part in an emergency. A great deal of-attention is paid to the rush line which is to support the half-backs. Every rusher is taught to scan keenly the faces of the opposing men in order, if possible, to detect the man who is to run with the ball, if he can discern this he has gained a great advantage and can concentrate his entire energy in the right direction instead of working hard to force his way through the line not knowing what he is going to do next. The rusher must never be idle but should be trying to throw his opponent ever off his guard, yet he should always keep his eyes upon the ball. To Yale, says the writer belongs the credit of raising the position of quarter-back to its importance of today.

The generalship of Yale teams, says the writer, has been a coaracteristic to admire in her success. She is seldom rattled, but always able to take advantage of the misplays of her opponents.

An article on American Foot Ball by Hodge, of Princeton was published in the same number.
