
The Harvard Bridge.

The new Harvard Bridge, of which so much is expected in the way of rapid transit between Boston and Cambridge, is at length nearing completion. A portion of the fence remains to be set up and the planking is yet to be laid on the Cambridge end of the bridge; this work will probably be finished within three weeks, when the bridge will be practically complete. The house to accommodate the draw tender and cover the draw machinery is not yet built, but its construction will not delay the opening of the bridge; the same can be said of the asphalt pavement, the laying of which has on account of the lateness of the season been postponed until next spring. The car tracks have been placed in position on the Boston-half of the bridge, and will be extended when the planking is all laid. The Cambridge approach is being filled in with gravel as rapidly as possible, and as soon as this is finished light travel will probably be allowed over, the bridge. The dedication of the structure will not take place before next spring

The Harvard bridge was built by special act of legislature at a cost of $500,000, apportioned equally between Boston and Cambridge. It is built of plate girders and divided into twenty-one spans (excluding the draw), varying from 75 to 105 feet in length. The dimensions of the bridge are: length, 2157 feet; width, 70 feet; height above mean high water, 14 feet. The draw, 135 feet in length, is placed In the centre of the structure and is operated by an electric motor.
