
Special Notices.

PACH BROS., Photographers, for Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, West Point, etc., etc. All athletic teams, class societies and clubs, H. P. C., D. K. E., and Pi Eta theatricals, and all views connected with Harvard.

We are the pioneers of low prices in framing pictures. All Harvard men are cordially invited to examine specimens.

H. WM. TUPPER, Man'g'r and Photographer.10-tf

Turoring in Mathematics and French.

PERRY LAWTON, '88, 25 Hollis Hall.46-6teod


To those desiring a good table and service Mrs. Metcalf offers two rooms for club tables. $8 per week. 41-2t 18 Prescott St.

WANTED.- Room mate in a very desirable room in the college yard. Apply at 35 Weld, Tnesday, Wednesday, or Thursday from 2 to 3 p. m.

Carl M. Johnson of the Law school, for several years college furnisher at Williams, calls the attention of students to his select line of the latest London novelties in men's furnishings and athletic goods in the store of Thos. F. Myles, merchant tailor, Lyceum building. 28-6teod

STUDENTS OF HARVARD COLLEGE: On or about November 1st, I shall open a school of Shorthand and Type-writing at Harvard square (positive time and location announced later) expressly for the students of Harvard College. I shall teach my new system of short hand, which is liberally endorsed by the press and expert stenographers as the easiest, briefest and most accurate system of shorthand extant; it can be completely mastered in three months and a speed of 125 words per minute acquired. Pupils write from the first lesson. The first week will be free and I cordially invite all students of the college to visit our school and see what progress can be made even in a week. All who are directly or indirectly interested, please send for catalogue to Hall's Commercial College, 493 Washington St, Boston.

A. O. Hall, Prin.
