Clark University, in addition to those already started has recently opened to its students two new departments. The first is in modern languages, and is to be under the direction of Dr. Camille Reid, who organized and has for some years conducted the Modern Language Institute in Boston. This department although never announced has always been in the scheme of the university. It will not take up at all the philology or literature of the languages, but will be devoted entirely to equipping men with what is needful for scientific work. Dr. Camille Reid, the head of the department, is a German by birth, and is well fitted for the place he occupies, as he speaks French, German and Italian. The method of instruction used will be largely conversational.
The other new department is that o Anthropology, the first of its kind given in this country. Heretofore the term anthropology has been employed in this country, exclusively to denote that part of theological instruction which deals with the creation, fall and redemption of man. Scientific Anthropology, which this department is to teach, is entirely different from that: it is an empirical science based almost wholly upon careful field work among savages and primitive peoples. It embraces craniology, the minute study of savage languages, myths, religious rites and ceremonies, and the primitive industries, modes of warfare and habits of life.
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