
Fact and Rumor.

There will be an hour examination in History 9 today.

There will be an hour examination in N. H. 2 tomorrow.

The Chicago club at Yale will hold a banquet December 6th.

Professor George Cook of Rutgers, state geologist, is dead.

The Institute of Technology receives $5000 by the will of the late Elisha T. Lofing.


J. H. Hunt, '92, will act as referee in the St. Marks-Groton game at laucascer tomorrow.

G. W. Wheel Wright, '90 succeeds E Shippen aschief usher at the symphony concerts in Sandens.

In the full games at Amherst, Ludington, '91, received eight first prizes and one second.

The Cosmopolitan for November contains a descriptive and historical account with portraits and other cuts of Cornell University by Mr. Boyesen.

The new cups of the Bicycle club for the hare and hounds and road races are on exhibition in Leavitt and Pierce's window.

All the October edition of the Monthly has been sold. Thurston will pay twenty-five cents for every number of that date.

The Yale Athletic association will hold a series of hare and hounds runs this fall on Saturday afternoons beginning tomorrow.

An oil portrait of ex-President Robinson of Brown university is to be presented by friends to the college gallery of portraits in Memorial hall.

At a meeting of the Princeton football team on Monday, C. A. Newton was elected captain vice McAlpin, resigned.

A Law school for Brown university is talked of, and three professorships are to be founded at $69,000 each. There will hereafter be three elective courses in law for seniors. A school of applied sciences is also talked of.

The freshmen elected their first set of Memorial Hall directors last evening at dinner. The result of the election was as follows: C. B. Pike, 45; J. W. Richards. 50; O. G. Villard, 68; scattering 42. Villard and Richards were elected.
