
Lawn Tennis Association.

At the annual meeting of the Lawn Tennis Association last night the following report of the treasurer was read and accepted:

"Last fall the rates for play were materially lowered. The system of season and coupon tickets was introduced, and has proved a great convenience to both players and managers. The reduction of rates caused a lessening in receipts, which was offset by greater economy in the management of the tournaments. The debt originally incurred for making the courts, has been reduced by $150 and now amounts to $250. The following is a summary of the accounts for the year:

To bal. on hand, Oct. 15, '88 $187.71

To bal. '92 subscription for debt 160.00

To bal. Court receipts 402.00


To bal. Sale of season tickets 412.00

To bal. Tournament receipts 69.45

To bal. Sundries 5.00

Total $1236.71

CR.By reduction of debt $150.00

By Interest on debt 24.00

By Labor on courts 240.36

By Repairs on courts 223.02

By New Haven expenses 92.60
