

Condidates for the Freshman Banjo club will meet for a trial Wednesday at 6 p. m. in 1 Holyoke House.

ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Important meeting tomorrow evening at Gray 17, at 7 sharp.

G. W. PAGE, Sec.FOUND.- A fountain pen. Owner will apply at the CRIMSON office any day between 1.30 and 2 p. m.

A Club table of students can be accommodated at 68 Mt Auburn St.

MRS. BUCKNELL. 11-1tFOUND.- On Cambridge street, near Memorial, a gold watch charm and seal. Owner may call at 736 Cambridge St.


Let all candidates for the '92 eleven be on the Divinity field at 3.30 sharp. Let Thomas, Steadman, Rantoul, Putnam, Draper, MacDonald, Neff, White, and Henry be ready to play '91 at four sharp.

W. C. FORBES, Capt.HARVARD ELECTRIC CLUB.- Regular meeting Wednesday, October 9, at 7.30 p. m. in room 4, Lawrence Scientific School. Mr. G. T. Page will read a paper on transformers.

L. K. PEROT, SEC.The following men were selected for further competition for the Banjo club. They will please report at 1 Holyoke House, Thursday at 7. p. m.: D. P. Robinson, S. W. Allen, F. L. Kennedy, J. B. Eustis, H. E. Sears, H. W. Patterson, Porter, M. F. Riddle.

LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION-By mistake notice of the annual meeting for election of officers was inserted in Saturday's CRIMSON. The meeting will be held tonight at 7 o'clock in Holden Chapel. All who are interested in tennis are invited to be present.

S. W. STURGIS, Sec.The following freshman will be at the boathouse prepared to row at 3.10 p. m. sharp: F. H. Ransom, J. M. T, Pope, C. W. Keyes, Campbell, Brewer, Clarke, Winslow, Doe, Wood, Earle, G. B. Pierce. Hathaway, E. Bartlett, Cary, Tausill, M. A. Bartlett, Hawes, French, Griswold, Stone, Cullinan, Batchelder.

R. F. HERRICK, Capt. H. U, B. C.The following men will be on the field at 4 sharp today, and all other candidates for the eleven: Blaney, Nichols, Burnett, Randoll, Bangs, Leland, Mason, Higgins, Embick, Loenstein, Wainwright, Woodworth, Longworth, Walker, Healey, Babbitt, Mulford, McGeoch, Codman, Garceau, Hale, R. S. Keene, Stead, Putnam and Washburn.
