Editors Daily Crimson:
DEAR SIRS: Some slight correction should be made in the account given by you yesterday of the new boat house.
It is the gift of George W. Weld of the class of 1860. The lands, house and equipments will cost upwards of $20,000. It is intended that any member of the university on payment of a small fee, shall be able to take up rowing as a recreation. It is not primarily intended to be a feeder for the crews though good rowing material will undoubtedly be discovered through it. It is intended to extend the use of rowing as a pastime. Anyone who has seen at the English Universities thirty or forty boats of all descriptions, by thus used of an afternoon, by teachers and students, by the rich and the poor, will be pleased to think that rowing will soon be, not only the profession of a few among us, but the healthy recreation of a great many.
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