
Harvard, 28; Stevens' Institute 4.

Harvard played her second game last Saturday with Stevens Institute, winning by a score of 28 to 4. The elevens were composed as follows: Harvard-rushers, Cumnock, Upton, Camphell, (Stickney), Tilton, (centre), Cranston, Newell, Hutchinson, (Crosby); quarter back, Dean; half-backs, Lee, Bowman; full-back, Trafford. Stevens Institute-rushers, Griswold, Wilderman, McKenzie, Hall, (centre), Emmet, Wreaks. Phelps; quarter-back, DeHart, half-backs, P. McKenzie and Raphael; full-back, Strong.

Game was called at precisely 3.10 Stevens taking the ball and the west end of the field. Hall started with a rush of ten yards followed py short rushes by both P. McKenzie and Raphael. The ball was then passed to Strong, who started to rush but was finely tackled by Upton. First down. McKenzie then rushed but was quickly downed without gaining five yards. Raphael then tried to rusll but Cranston broke through the rush line and downed him. This made the third down. Strong then kicked but the ball was stopped, Stevens getting it. Then both backs made rushes without gaining more than five yards. Strong gained five yards by a kick after which began a series of rushes by the half-backs and kicks by the full back which gave Stevens a gain of about ten yards when the ball went to Harvard on a foul. Lee made a strong rush of twenty yards, but was finely tackled by Emmett. Bowman then rushed about fifteen yards, Emmett again tackling. Lee gained another ten yards, Bowman then made a couple of rushes without advancing the ball. Trafford kicked behind the goal posts, Stevens getting the ball. Stevens then kicked to Lee who made a beautiful rush of forty-five yards, making the first touchdown. Time 17 minutes. Goal, Score, 6-0. Stevens after this gained a few yards by short rushes of the quarterback and half-backs, when Harvard got the ball. After having three downs Lee got the ball and made a good rush of by Bowman who gained no ground. Harvard was soon forced to kick and Cumnock getting the ball rushed over the lines but a claim of foul was allowed. The ball was then passed to Trafford who kicked a goal from the field. Score 11-0. Harvard soon lost the ball by a poor pass of Dean's but it was recovered by Lee who made a long rush. Trafford then kicked. Stevens' ball. Lee got the ball on a kick by Strong but Stevens soon recovered it. Time, twenty minutes was then called with the score 11-0. In the second half Crosby and Stickney were substituted for Hutchinson and Campbell respectively. Lee rushed but lost the ball to Stevens. Upton did some good tackling here, causing Stevens to lose several yeards. The ball went to Harvard on three downs and Lee made another rush scoring a touchdown. Score 12-0. Stevens failed to make five yards and Harvard took the ball. Rushes by Lee, Bowman and a kick by Trafford brought the ball close to Stevens' goal line. Upton soon scored a touchdown. Score 23-0. Harvard got the ball by good play and Lee, Bowman and Cumnock brought the ball to the five-yard line when Trafford kicked his second goal from the field. Score, 28-0. Stevens rushed the ball to Harvard's twenty-five yard line and then kicked ti for the goal line, Raphael securing it and scoring the first point for Stevens Score 28-4. Time was called soon after this.
