
Fact and Rumor.

The 'varsity eleven will go to a training table today.

The Princeton game will be played here November 16.

The University Boat club meeting will be held next Monday evening.

J. Smith, Jr., '92, has been appointed manager of the second 'varsity eleven.

Sherrill the sprinter, has returned to Yale to take a post graduate course in electricity.


Gorham, '90, who was hurt in foot-ball practice last week is improving rapidly.

S. V. R. Crosby, '91, has been elected a member of the Athletic committee in place of J. T. Burnett, resigned.

The Yale preliminary catalogue shows a total enrollment of 1072; the number of students in the academic department is 737, a gain of 49 over last year; the number in the Sheffield school is 335, an increase of 30. The incoming freshman class numbers 340 students, 210 of whom are in the academic department.

The attention of the freshmen is called to the pamphlet of Harvard athletics for 1889-90, prepared by H. R. Allen, '92, and printed by the sophomore class. It is a complete record of the athletic events which will take place during 1889-90 under the control of the different Harvard athletic asso ciations.

The scratch races will probably be held a week from next Wednesday. The delay is in order to get a high tide.

Heffelfinger, the Exeter half back was injured in the game here last Wednesday so severely that he will be unable to play for four weeks.
