
Freshman Class Meeting.

The freshman class met in Upper Massachusetts yesterday afternoon at 1.30 for the election of officers. Upon motion of the class, Mr. Cumnock was made chairman of the meeting. Nominations for president were then asked for and the names of Mr. Fearing of Cutters, Mr. Trafford of Exeter, and Mr. Strong of Boston Latin were placed before the class. A committee of three, consisting of Mr. Herrick, '90, Mr. Dean, '91, and Mr. Rantoul, '92 was appointed to receive the ballots, and the class proceeded to a vote. The first ballot gave Mr. Fearing a pleurality but not a majority which was necessary to a choice. Mr. Trafford had about twenty less votes than Mr. Fearing, and Mr. Strong only forty. Upon motion the class then proceeded to a second ballot, voting only for Fearing and Trafford, At the first count the result appeared to be 120 for Fearing, and 119 for Trafford, but upon counting the second time, a tie was announced, each candidate receiving 120 votes. An adjournment was then moved until some day next week, and the motion was carried. It is probable that at the next meeting the class will turn out in larger numbers, as at yesterday's election only two hundred and forty out of three hundred and eighty odd men were in attendance.

One of the most important pieces of business transacted at the meeting was the adoption of the foot ball rules offered by Captain Cumnock, similar in nature to those adopted by the classes of Ninety-one and Ninety-two.
