
Fact and Rumor.

Porter '88, coached the eleven yesterday afternoon.

J. Cummin was elected captain of the sophomore nine instead of Cummings as was announced.

Professor Cilley of Exeter Academy has gone to Carlsbad, Germany for his health and probably will not be back until next spring.

Work was begun on the new athletic field at Amherst on last Wednesday. The new field which was given by Frederick Pratt, '87 comprises twenty acres.

President Seelye of Amherst college has been obliged through ill health to abandon his duties for the year. At his departure for Europe on Monday all the students turned out in a body and cheered him as his train left the station.


At a recent meeting of the interscholastic foot ball association the following schedule was adopted for the fall games: Oct. 18. Nobles vs. Boston Latin, Brookline Common; Hopkinsons vs. Roxbury Latin, Franklin Park: 19, Combination vs. Hopkinsons, Brookline; 25th, Boston Latin vs. Hopkinsons, Franklin Park. Cambridge vs. Combination, at Cambridge; Roxbury vs. English High, Brookline; 26th, Nobles vs. Combination, Brookline.

Harvard will play the University of Pennsylvania in foot ball at Cambridge November 3.

The following men will compose the 'varsity eleven in this afternoon's game with Stevens; rushers, (end); Hutchinson, Newell, Cranston, Kelton (centre) Campbell or Stickney, Upton, Cumnock; quarter-back, Dean; halfbacks, Curtis or Greenough, Lee or Bowman; full back, Trafford or Saxe; subs, Crosby, Goodwin, House, Wrenn, Curtis. The second eleven which plays at Exeter willbe made up as follows: rushers, Hill, Cummings, Blanchard, Morse, Fitzhugh, Rodgers, Davenport,; quarter back, Hallowell; half-backs, W. Crane and Moen; full-back, Johnson; subs, Dodge and Tilton.

The Eastern Intercollegiate Foot Ball Association held its annual meeting at Springfield on Wednesday. Delegates were present from Technology, Dartmouth, Williams, Amherst and Stevens Institute. Some changes were made in the rules and constitution of the league and the following schedule of games arranged: October 26, Technology vs. Amherst, at Amherst; October 30, Dartmouth vs. Amherst, at Hanover; November 2, Dartmouth vs. Tech, at Boston; November 9, Williams vs. Amherst at Amherst; Nov. 16, Tech. vs. Williams at Williamstown; Nov. 20 Stevens vs. Amherst, at Amherst; Nov. 23, Williams vs. Dartmouth at Springfield; Nov. 25, Williams vs. Stevens at Hoboken; Nov. 27, Dartmouth vs. Stevens at Hoboken.
