
Fact and Rumor.

Captain Upton of the Cornell eleven is still unable to play.

There will be an hour examination in Philosophy 1 next Tuesday.

The carpenters say that they will be out of Hastings next Thursday.

The Yale News urges the formation of a Yale Dramatic club.

There are eight men from '91 training for the 'varsity eleven at Yale.


There will be hour examinations in English 8 and Fine Arts 8 today.

Oberlin has 1,268 students, the largest number it has ever enrolled.

Yale will play Stevens Institute in football today at the Berkeley Oval.

The Princeton Glee club will visit Florida during the Christmas vacation.

Extensive attractions have recently been made in the Dartmouth college chapel.

Keene, '91, played quarter-back on the 'varsity yesterday afternoon for a short time.

Dartmouth defeated Amherst in a championship game at Hanover by a score of 66 to 6.

The Boston Athletic association will hold a handicap racquet tournament, November 20.

Stevens Institute has the heaviest trio of center men on any team; their aggregate weight is 650 pounds.

Students who use tobacco in any form are denied admission to the University of the Pacific, at San Jose, California.

The University of Michigan has entirely done away with the marking system and has abolished all prize competitions and class honors.

So many members of the Lawrence Scientific school have applied for the use of the Cambridge Manual training school that it is thought that the university may fit up a similar school for the students.

Beginning today, the hour for breakfast at Memorial hall will be from 7.30 to 9 o'clock. If it is found that only a few men take advantage of the change, the hour will be fixed at the same time as heretofore.

The annual meeting of the Yale alumni took place at Worcester last Monday. Professor Ladd spoke of the recent growth of the university, to meet which he urged the speedy provision of larger resources.

The election of two directors for Memorial hall from the freshman class will be held at dinner this evening. The following men have been nominated: H. D. Denormandie, J. W. Richards, O. G. Villard, C. B. Pike. D. Normandie and Richards have with drawn.

It is proposed to start a school of music at Yale. The plan adopted proposes a new department with the requisite corps of instructors, apparatus, and a building not inferior to any of the great conservatories in Germany. President Dwight is heartily in favor of the plan.
