There will be a meeting of the Advocate board tonight at 7 o'clock in 47 Holyoke.
HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- Business meeting in 14 Holworthy, Thursday evening at 7.30.
E. F. ROGERS.HARVARD PHIL. CLUB.- The club will meet tonight at 7.30 in 32 Grays.
F. P. CABOT, Secretary.FOUND.- In basement of Matthews, an umbrella. Apply to porter of Matthews.
FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Trial of candidates in Roberts Hall, Thursday, November 7, at 7.30 p. m. All freshmen who can sing at all are requested to try.
Arrangements have been made for reserving another section of seats for the Princeton game. Tickets will be on sale at Leavitt and Pierce's today at 2 p. m.
J. A. LOWELL.FENCING CLUB.- The notice printed in yesterday's CRIMSON was unauthorized and wrong. The medals are to be obtained from Henry Guild, 433 Washington street and should be called for at once.
S. DEXTER, Sec.The following men will be on the Divinity field at 3.30 sharp: Brice, Davis, Post, Slade, Parker, Fairchild, Collamore, Chew, Bisbee, Kendricken, Miller, Ingalls, Dunn. Game with Roxbury Latin at 4 o'clock.
S. W. ELLSWORTH.ADAMS ACADEMY.- The regular annual meeting of the Adams Academy Alumni association will be held at the school building Wednesday, October 30, at 12.30 p. m. All who have ever been connected with the school are cordially invited to be present. The fall athletic meeting of the school begins at 2 p. m. the same day.
PERRY LAWTON, Secretary.ENGLISH C and D.- A second talk in Evidence will be begun in Sever 11, on Thursday, October 11, at 12 o'clock and at 3. This week Mr. Baker will meet seniors from 3 to 4.30 Tuesday, instead of Monday. The brief for the first forensic will be due November 2.
FINANCE CLUB.- Important business meeting, Wednesday, October 30 at 7.30 p. m. in U. 13. A full attendance is required.
C. A. BUNKER, Sec.Thurston will pay fifteen cents a piece for a limited number of the October issue of the Monthly.
P. S. ABBOT.GUITAR AND MANDOLIN CLUB.- There will be a trial of candidates for the club Wednesday night at 7.30 in Holworthy 8.
H. A. A.- The second hare and hounds run of the Harvard Athletic association will be held on Wednesday, October 30. The start will be from the gymnasium at 4.
Winners in the freshman games will have to take part in some event in the University fall handicap meeting to obtain their prizes.
Dr. Sargent will be in his office from 2 to 4 to examine men for the University meeting every afternoon until Friday.
J. H. HUNT, Secretary.HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- In order to have the names of members for publication in the Index, and also to learn their present address, members are requested to fill out application cards which may be found at Thurston's, and leave at 14 Holworthy or send to the secretary, 19 Garfield St., on or before Thursday, October 31. The secretary will be at 14 Holworthy, Wednesday, October 30, from 1 to 3 and members desiring the club pin and monogram can obtain them at that time.
C. W. SPENCER, Secretary.
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Special Notice.