
Ninety wins the Championship.


The final game of the class championship series was played yesterday afternoon on Norton's field. The ground was muddy and the ball became so slippery that it was hard to hold. The first half was thirty minutes but the second was shortened to fifteen minutes as the rain made it dark earlier than usual. Both teams played well but made few brilliant plays. Ninety was a little heavier in the rush line, and often succeeded in getting through to Ninety-two's half backs, but Ninety-two was able to make holes rather to often considering the weight against them. Only once in the game did Ninety-two have the ball dangerously near Ninety's goal and that time it was after a kick and was soon sent down the lield. Ninety rushed it to the ten yard line twice in succession in the first half, and once in the second, but most of the play, except for the kicks, was in the centre of the field.

Ninety started the game and carried the ball to the ten yard line but there lost it or holding. Ninety-two kicked it back to the centre of the field. Again Ninety reached the ten yard line, but Ninety-two took the ball for holding again. White pushed through the rush line at the right end and gained ten yards. A fine hole was made for Carpenter and by shoving him along Ninety-two forced the ball twenty yards from her goal. After three downs without a gain Ninety-two was obliged to kick. McLeod caught the ball and carried it to where it was kicked from. Potter grined a few yards. McLeod was shoved three yards Potter gained a yard, and then McLeod was pushed over the line, fifteen minutes after the start. Crane kicked a goal. Score 6-0. White gained a few yards for Ninety-two but after another down without a gain of five yards the ball ten yards, but it was lost to Ninety in the next play. Crane kicked to Forbes who was prevented from running. White got through the rush line a few yards. In the next play Forbes kicked the ball but it was blocked and bounced back over his head. Ninety here had a fine chance to secure a touchdown but Forbes was too quick for Slocum and secured the ball again, Carpenter and White were unable to gain five yards and the ball was kicked to McLeod. He muffed it but by doing so was able to dodge his man and then picking up the ball he made twenty yards. Buttimer was given the ball but could not gain anything, and in the next play the ball was dropped and Ninety-two secured it. After three downs without a gain White managed to make the required five yards, but in the next two plays Pulsifer and Fessenden broke through and prevented Ninety-two from gaining, so Forbes was obliged to kick. Four kicks were tried with an aggregate loss of five yards for Ninety-two and the ball returned to Ninety's possession. Aiken gained ten yards, Crane kicked well up to the ten yard line, but Forbes made a fair catch and returned to Crane. The ball was dropped and secured by Ninety-two, but time was called before they could do anything with it.

White opened the second half with a gain of ten yards, but Aiken got through in the second play and Ninety-two lost five yards, A foul gave Ninety two ten yards. Carpenter gained three yards, and a shove gained three more, but Faulkner got through upon Carpenter and five yards were lost. Forbes kicked to McLeod who was stopped before he ran three yards. Carpenter caught a kick from Crane and ran ten yards. White made five yards through the rush line, but Forbes after finding a hole lost the ball. Ninety gained nothing and kicked, Forbes securing the ball by luck, and in the next play Carpenter ran around the end gaining a few yards. White tried to run around Tyson, but after running across the field he was downed without any gain. Forbes dodged Slocum and gained five yards, but Aiken got through upon him in the next play and the five yards were can celled. Forbes could not find a hole and the ball had to be kicked. McLeod caught it but was stopped from running. In the next play McLeod dragged Putnam about fifteen yards. Potter gained a little more by running around the end but the ball was dropped and went to Ninety-two in the next play. White was tackled and passed to Carpenter who got by all, except Crane who tackled him well. Tyson stopped Carpenter on the next play and Slocum stopped him in the next, but not until he had gained five yards. Four downs were made without a gain and Ninety got the ball. Potter did not gain enough to prevent the ball from being kicked. Crane returned Forbes'kick and the ball was secured by Ninety-two. A poor pass came near losing the ball, but White got it and started by the rushline where he was stopped by a foul tackle. Before Ninety-two could make use of their gain time was called, leaving the score 6-0 in favor of Ninety. The teams were made up as follows:

Ninety-Rushers: Siocum, Emmons, (Buttimer), Darling, Fessenden, Pulsifer, Aiken, Tyson; quarter-back, Faulkner; half-backs, McLeod and Potter; full-back, Crane.

Ninety-Two-Rushers: McDonald, Draper, Thomas, Pinkham, Steedman, Rantoul, Putnam; quater back, Neff; half-backs, White and Carpenter, (Henry); full-back, Forbes.


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